Reforming Government: Unemployment Insurance Program Saves $500,000 in Printing & Mailing Costs by Expanding E-Payments, On-Demand Print


Governor Scott Walker announced today that the Department of Workforce Development's (DWD) Unemployment Insurance (UI) Division has saved taxpayers an estimated $500,000 in printing and mailing costs since summer 2012. The UI Division has saved these costs by gradually shifting from paper checks to e-payments via direct deposit or debit card, by consolidating duplicative forms, and by making publications available for print on demand from DWD's public website.

"The Department of Workforce Development has done an excellent job identifying an area of waste, and reforming their procedures to reduce overall costs," Governor Walker said. "I challenge all state agencies to be good stewards of taxpayers' dollars and commend DWD for their hard work and efficient service."

"At the Department of Workforce Development, we are committed to providing outstanding customer service that exceeds the standards that Wisconsin taxpayers expect, and this includes reducing printing costs by responding to customer trends toward online services," DWD Secretary Reggie Newson said. "By responding to increased customer preference for electronic payments, more online resources and less paper, we are improving service delivery and saving tax dollars at the same time."
